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Communist Division Havana Cigars Bermuda Triangle Colombia Cartel Peru Democrats
Mafia Division PDRK Baseball Players US Racketeers Russian Roulette Sicily Sopranos
Middle East Division Palestine Refugees Afghanistan Afghanistis Tripoli Men-of-honor-fighting-for-Freedom Osama's Unidentified Men
Other Middle East Division Iraqi Oil Smugglers Iran Ayatollahs Syria Syrup Serbia Sheepdogs
11-time RSL World Champions
Havana Cigars
Diaspora Decade
The NABA did not finish the 1990 season as
planned and Colorado was awarded the championship based on
record. The league did not reform in 1991. Several attempts
at replacement leagues were attempted but did not catch on. Details on
franchise histories during the period are sketchy. The most is known
about the Havana Cigars, who competed continuously in the Rogue States
League. The Chicago Warheads moved to Tripoli and also competed in the
RSL as the Men-of-honor-fighting-for-freedom. The
Baltimore Browns competed in the YPL in 1999 but their record is
unknown. The Colorado Clubbers played in a worldwide barnstorming
league and did not immediately divulge their history when they joined
the league as the San Francisco Slurves in 2003.
World Baseball League
In 2000 a small previously unknown minor league expanded
to six teams and recruited six new owners to form the World Baseball
League. The league did not play in 2000 but instead were approached by
the Baltimore Browns to form the Terran Baseball Association. The
Havana Cigars agreed to rejoin a legitimate league as well. The WBL's
only term of agreement was that they would continue as an independent
league within the TBA. This was formalized in 2004 when the TBA
was realligned into the WBL and NABA.