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June 4, 2004: 4:24 pm: Commentary

Hi Tim.

May 26, 2004: 8:40 pm: Baseball

Thank goodness. Now my wife’s viewing of American Idol will not be disturbed. I will not make any threats to Reggie Sanders.

: 8:36 pm: Baseball

I will stand up and moan for three seconds.

February 29, 2004: 10:09 pm: Commentary

Candidates take truly subbrilliant positions
by Pilot X (

Reason once again flies out the window as politicians grapple to manipulate the public over gay marriage. What’s at issue here is which group of people the politicians can fool into emotionally bonding with them.

George W. Bush takes the tactic that civilisation is threatened if gays marry. This plays to the emotions of religious conservatives who fear homosexuality. It also deftly sidesteps those who try just as cynically to make a charge of intolerance stick to Bush.

John Kerry has exactly the same position as Bush but has no hope of pleasing conservatives, so casts his position as at odds. Notice he charges Bush with avoiding the issues and calls the constitutional ban unnecessary. This way HE deftly sidesteps fundamentalists who would like to make a charge of rabid liberalism stick.

Both men seem to think gay marriage shouldn’t be allowed but civil unions should. That’s unreasonable because allowing civil unions is tantamount to allowing gay marriages even if it just makes it easier to swallow at the expense of equal rights.

Allow civil unions and within 50-100 years everyone will get quite comfortable with it and wonder why there are two definitions of marriage. What’s at issue seems to be wheteher America can admit that homosexuals are normal people like you and me or if they need a buffer between the old repression of gays and a date in future when sexual orientation like being Irish is no longer an issue.

The only politicians approaching brilliance here is San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom and the judges of Massachusetts and California. They are interpreting the consitution objectively and forcing the debate into the arena it should exist in.

The most abhorrent move is Bush’s denigrating the judiciary as if their interpretation of the law was somehow less valid than his or congress. Need we remind Mr. Bush that he had no issue with judges ruling on law when they awarded him the presidency on constitutional grounds despite losing the popular vote.

October 25, 2003: 5:02 pm: Baseball

Baseball is a variation on a very simple game. The game involves someone hitting a thrown object and seeing how far they can run before the object is returned to them. It’s the same basis as cricket with a different development of rules. Here I’ll attempt to explain the rules of baseball based on the logical consequences of attempting to play a game of this variety.So we start with a person throwing a ball. An opponent attempting to strike the ball as far as possible so he can run a pre-determined circuit and return to this starting position before the ball can.

That’s baseball. That’s all there is to it. All other rules either stem from this or are a matter of the taste of the rulemakers. Every at bat is truly the pursuit of an inside the park home run.

So let’s start there. Someone has to throw the ball. The first question is how far back they stand. This must be regulated. The faster the pitcher can throw the harder it will be to strike the ball. So the pitcher must be far enough back so the ballcan’t be pitched at an unhittable speed but close enough that the pitcher has a fair chance of keeping the batter from striking it. That distance for professionals is 60 feet six inches but it varies depending on the skill level of the competitotrs, as it should.

Contrary to popular belief there is no restriction on how the ball is delivered. It doesn’t have to be overhand. That just is usually the most effective method.

The ball should be delivered however without external aid. The batter should have a chance to strike the ball in it’s pure state with nothing but the effort of the pitcher guiding it. Hence the rules outlawing scuffing the ball, and the constant changing of balls in a professional game. For awhile spit was deemed to be a natural substance, not altering the ball and pitchers were allowed to apply spit to a ball before they threw it. Eventually rule makers deemed that this gave the pitcher an unfair advantage and violated the sanctity of the thrown ball, so it was made illegal. At base the pitcher is delivering the ball FOR the batter not AGAINST the batter. All attempts by the pitcher to gain advantage are contrary to the spirit of the purpose, hence so many rules about what the pitcher can do to gain an edge. It’s an attempt by rule to force the pitcher back into a state of server rather than antagonist.

The fielders were supposed to do the defensive work and stop the batter before he could run the circuit. Stop three batters and you get to take your turn at bat.

The batter is the original focus of the game. In early games he used to be able to call for what kind of pitch he liked and could take as amany balls as possible. Originally it can be assumed that every batter was supposed to strike the ball into play. Eventually they realised that batters could use this as a delay tactic, so a limit on the number of swings you could attempt. Three seemed like the right number. So you were allowed to strike at the ball three times. If you missed all three times you had to retire from the batters box and you were considered out of play.

Not every struck ball was playable however. Sometimes the ball would skip off the bat into a crowd of observers, or even directly behind the batter away from the pitcher and the fielders. Rules were put in place therefore to decalre certain territory generally behind the batter as out of play. A foul was called if the batter struck a ball into this territory.

The question arose as to how this should count now that the batter could only have three strikes at the ball. It was determined that since the batter was swinging it would count as one of the three attempts but since the batter partially succeded at striking the ball, just unfortunately not in the field of play, you could not be retired from the box when you struck for the third time and knocked the ball into foul territory.

Then batters took the stratagem of waiting for just the right pitch, again causing lengthy at bats. Pitchers also could take advantage of throwing the ball far from the batter so it was within reach but more difficult to strike. Therefore a rule had to be put in placejudging which balls were hittable and which balls were not. A pitcher should not throw unhittable balls. Allowing for natural mistakes, a limit of four balls was put on the pitcher. If a batter swung, it did not count. The pitcher was supposed to throw hittable balls, so it was quite generous to allow them 4 mistakes. The punishment if the pitcher met this threshold was to assume that the batter would have connected on a hittable ball and entered the circuit but not made it all the way around but also would not be put out. We’ll disucss more once our batter has hit the ball and we must decide what he does after that.

So now a batter could have the advantage of claiming anything he doesn’t swing at is unhittable and always entering the circuit. So another rule had to be put in place that if the pitch was deemed hittable that the batter must swing. If the batter refrained from striking at the ball it will be counted against him anyway as one of his attempts. A judge was put in place to arbitrate what pitches could be struck at and what were one of the four balls the pitcher was allowed to waste.

So if a batter didn’t swing at all, he could technically be ruled to have struck at three balls if he refrained from swinginig at hittable pitches. The rules describe what in the opinion of the rule makers is a hittable ball and what isn’t.

So now we have the principles surrounding the player reciving his pitches and attempting to strike the ball into play. We have ruled on all instances and possibilities if the batter does not strike the ball successfully and what rules will keep the balance of fair play.

So what happens when the batter does fairly strike the ball?

October 17, 2003: 9:41 am: Baseball

I’m not going to watch the World Series. Thos ewho know me know this is highly unusual as I’ll watch anything from Little League to the Arizona Fall League.

And contrary to what some may assume, I don’t hate the Yankees. I was raised a Cardinal fan. The Yankees are irrelevant. Their one of those teams from the made-up league that doesn’t let their pitchers bat.

The reason I won’t watch the World Series (at least very closely) is that the Yankees bore me.

There’s nothing glorious in their achievements. A team with three times the payroll of the rest of organised ball SHOULD win every year. And they have with a couple of exceptions that are products of random chance.

That makes the World Series about as menaingful and exciting as a 30-year-old Math teacher winning a chess tournment against seven-year-olds. It’s only exciting if a seven-year-old wins.

This doesn’t mean I think the Yankees players don’t deserve to win. They do. They’re an all-star team. They should be embrassed by every game they lose. And it doesn’t mean I think Steinbrenner is cheating or somehow unfair. He’s not. He’s a very savvy businessman doing a great job running a business.

It just means that having a team like New York always be as much better than everyone else is no testament to baseball talent. There’s nothing special about the Yankees. They aren’t winning by grit or determination. They’re winning by stacking the deck with the best players available at any given moment. They’re an all-star team. It’s not unfair it’s just dull. One can’t take any pride in their achievements. So they win. Big deal. Big surprise. You’re only interested when they lose because it by all rights should be impossible.

It’s the same reason the 1997 Marlins weren’t special. They won because they paid for a team. Unlike George they couldn’t afford to keep doing it.

Imagine if the Jest had Peyton Manning, Marshall Faulk and an All-Pro at every position except kicker. IMagine they go on to the Super Bowl every year but one for seven years and win all but two. Think Football would be exciting?

So I’ll keep a half an eye on the Series to see if the Marlins pull off any more dramatics. The underdog story is the only one of note. But I’ll miss what the World Series should be. Two teams starting from the same level and one of them excelling based on their effort. If New York won every year in that scenario I’d respect them. As it is I don’t hold it against the players but I feel a little sorry for them. They can only take sorrow in infrequent losses. There’s not much pride in beating up on teams of half your value. At least their shouldn’t be if you have any claim of honour or nobility.

April 14, 2003: 12:43 pm: writing

Little is known of the Delirii other than tales handed down over time. They have long gone from this area of the universe, and only the relics they built on our planets leave any proof that they existed at all.

What we do know of their physiology is fascinating. The Delirii carried their atmosphere within their bodies. Legend has it their own world may not have had one but that’s doubtful. More likely it was just very thin. Their skin was also made of a substance that hardened against pressure either inward or outward.

All of this meant that the Delirii had no need of space suits. They viewed the vacuum of space as one big atmosphere within which they moved freely.

January 28, 2003: 5:15 pm: writing

Beyond its focus on common languages like English, Spanish, and French, the company prepared to storm the Urdu, Tamil, and Armenian markets – to name just a few – and built a new Belgian headquarters, the campus shaped like a gigantic inner ear.

September 7, 2001: 12:05 pm: science

Universe Could Collapse Into Jelly
SuperSymmetry theory shows emergence of ghost quark could change laws of physics in an instant.

: 12:03 pm: science

Best Proof Yet of Black Hole in Galaxy’s Center
Luminosity tests show more solid evidence of black hole eating our galaxy.