Roger and Tom welcome Josh Lawrence of Of Come On Scientists to the show to discuss Apple TV, Twitter, the British Navy and Roger’s email address.
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Roger and Tom talk 300, Asian culture, SXSW, Marvel comics, and the meaning of something. Can’t remember exactly what.
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Roger reports from Wondercon on movie trailers and more. Tom reports on his dog walk and talks about mountain lions.
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Roger and Tom discuss video streaming, the Oscars, and continue the topic of cultural identity and stereotypes in the modern world.
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Roger and Tom talk about the meaning of culture in the United States and elsewhere. They forgot to call forth Cthullu to smite their podcasting foes. Maybe next time.
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Tom just won’t shut up about Stargate and Roger just goes on and on about how environmentally dangerous hybrid cars are.
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Let’s face it, the Super Bowl makes for a bad podcast.
EMW Graphic 56Suffer through Tom and Roger pausing constantly, watching the commercials and randomly speaking in a stream of consciousness.
Microsoft delays EMW
All the Vista coverage kept Roger and me apart yesterday. Today won’t work either, so we’re looking at Wednesday hopefully. – Tom
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Roger and Tom discuss the future and past of television, why Vegas does and does not suck. Tom mistakenly refers to his dog as his wife — hilarity ensues. And roger won’t shut up.
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Roger and Tom talk Vegas baby. Find out the inner workings of sin city during the world’s biggest electronics show, CES.