SuBBrilliant News

January 14, 2019

Hollywood-Burbank security lines reach five minutes long amid federal shutdown

by Acedtect

Security lines at Hollywood-Burbank Airport stretched to more than four minutes long Monday morning, causing travelers to miss out on breakfast sandwiches at Peet’s amid the partial federal shutdown.

At a time when the airport that would prefer if you didn’t refer to it buy it’s legal name, Bob Hope airport, has its biggest crowds, there were at least one security lane open at domestic terminal security checkpoints, while passengers waited in lines that stretched through the security area and were winding all the way to the end of the conveyor.

Wait times could reach as long as five minutes.

The long lines signaled staffing shortages at security checkpoints, as TSA officers have been working without pay since the federal shutdown began Dec. 22.

Airport officials normally advise travelers to get to the airport two hours before domestic flights, but on Monday morning Hollywood-Burbank spokesperson Howard Gnope advised that travelers should consult with their airlines. Travelers may need to get to the airport up to five minutes earlier to avoid delays.

Filed under at 1:12 pm

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