March 2, 2006
More details on Apple Bono
(CUPERTINO, CA) – Mysterious Apple rumour expert, ross, continued to divulge information today about Apple’s secret acquisition of U2 singer Bono.
The poster said he got his information from simple market analysis.
“It’s a basic model that most tech companies follow, let’s look at eBay/Paypal and Skype – about a month before the eBay/Skype deal, Paypal were pushing Skype services,” explained ross. “Now lets look at Apple and U2 – see what’s happening?”
The new Apple Bono will come in two colors, a black and a white version, accroding to ross, “black being formal ware and white for promoting the brand.”
One other source said the new name of the lead singer would be the MacBono Pro, not the iBono.
Other expert rumour-spreaders said that Apple is also in the early stages of acquiring the Pope.